Sajczuk Man  Myth  Legend
Home Photography Video

Where you can find all things related to the Man, the Myth, and the Legend. Legend? Really, who do I think I am kidding?

The  Sajczuk  .com  Portal


I am what I like to call a hobbyist. I love to shoot and I enjoy seeing what my camera captures and sometimes it captures what my brain sees. When it does it is a spectacular day. Like my videos, my art is what I like and if you do not, than that is just fine with me. I like to shoot and that is what matters to me. If you like my style you can like my facebook page. If you don’t like my style that keep it to yourself, cause I do not care. It is my passion and not yours and if it is yours than send me an email so I can see your work.

Art is subjective, which means even if you do think it is art, it is still art, art that you do not like.


Is not currently up. Not sure if it will go back up. I may dedicate it to my past and maybe renewed series called 5 minutes with CRF Jim. Or, maybe I will post my audio of the times I have preached. Not sure yet, but I will let you know.

What is that? Is that a camera? Yes,  Yes it is.

I get asked that all the time. Mostly cause I have a video camera stuck to the top of my helmet. I do record all the time. Unfortunately, I do not find a lot of interesting things to show you. Mostly it is a lot of boring hours watching traffic and trees role by. What I find interesting or fun, you may not, but you don’t have to watch. I do what I do because I like to, not to make money or to impress people. Like it or not, I have paid to be here, so just watch the videos and enjoy, whether you are laughing or not.

Currently only on youtube.



Mail: from Webpage